James Lee

Sami Ali Choudhry

Computer Engineer


About Me

Hi I am Sami Ali Choudhry, A computer engineer currently trying hands-on experience with many different softwares and research project. Lets see what this life has got for me.

Latest Projects

project name

Breast Cancer Prediction(Machine Learning)

Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer that effects women. Recent advancements in genomics have enabled high resolution tracing of CNA (Copy Number Abnormality) values. These values give important information about various genes that may have a role in causing the cancer. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) HER2 test is used to determine how aggressive the cancer is and also helps determine if and when the patient might need an operation. Using the CNA values in combination with the HER2 test values of the patients in the dataset a classifier is trained to predict the outcome of a HER2 test before conducting the test. This will help save time it takes to actually conduct the detailed test and take necessary precautions before the actual test results are returned from lab. Index Terms—SVM, Breast Cancer, Dataset Filtering, Classification, Sampling, KPCA, CNA.

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Twitter Sentimental Analysis

Social media is one of the biggest platform through which every individual can express his/her thought, thus this paper majorly focuses upon the reviews provided by the people on twitter within a limit of 140 characters for a particular airlines and after the processing of each and every review it basically classifies them into positive, negative or neutral form of it and thus we use different algorithms like SVM, Logistic Regression, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Random Forest Classifier and thus obtain the accuracy by adjusting and tuning of different parameters like gamma, alpha and etc and select the best algorithm after comparison of each.

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The goal is to get ‘the right patient, to the right place, at the right time, to receive the right care’ following trauma despite the conflicting evidence regarding the golden hour, rapid transport to medical facility remains the standard of trauma care. Thus providing an android application as a fully functioning platform to deal with the emergency circumstances

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A honeypot is a computer system that is set up to act as a decoy tolure cyberattackers, and to detect, deflect or study attempts togain unauthorized access to information systems. In computer terminology, a honeypot is a computer security mechanism set to detect, deflect, or, in some manner, counter act attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. This is similar to police sting operations, colloquially known as "baiting," a suspect. Production honeypots are placed inside the production network with other production servers by an organization to improve their overall state of security.

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An android based software which allows single mothers to cook food and deliver the food to the desired customer , It uses place picker techniques and based upon them shows the location of customer also creates a database for each customer and seller

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The project is about developing an Online "Sports Illustrated". It is an Online version of a weekly magazine which publishes different updates related to different Sports. This website, is aimed at providing latest news and events related to different Sports. All the recent match results in the respective Sports are provided in different tabs. Rankings and profiles of different players are also included in order to help the user to be updated with the recent "match-winners" in respective Sports, except Tennis, as it is the First-Person Sports. A Quiz is included for the Sport enthusiasts to test their knowledge of different Sports. Quiz results are displayed in form of Points as well as Percentage. Website is developed by using all the guidelines and restrictions in respect of the Domain

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Traffic Congestion

In this project, we use deep learning techniques for object localization and count the number of objects that have been detected. We focus on detecting cars and aim to provide some statistics on traffic buildup and the amount of vehicles that go past a particular junction in a given period of time. Our implementation uses a lightweight architecture and convolution model that enables it to run on real-time video streams as well as on static images. We made use of tools available on the IBM Developer network - like IBM Cloud services and IBM’sWatson API.

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Work Experience

Color Enhancement Project - Spark T.in (2018 - 2019)

Spark T a multimedia company where we collaborated for our final year prpoject based on Computer Vision for color blind patients to provide a solution for the problem , also as a part of project team we managed to build a script in python language for considerable work experience the esteemed comapny

Fellowship - Prof Nazneen Pendhari (2018 - 2019)

Prof Nazneen Pendhari from MH Saboo Siddik College Of Engineering, as a project mentor allowed us to work upon project "Color enhancement of multimedia using spectrum analysis and wavelength adjustment for feature extraction" providing hands on experience upon softwares like Matlab and Python and hence providing solution by spectrum analysis, also allowing us an experience to go ahead with the process of design patent for the software developed


Prof Nazneen Pendhari from MH Saboo Siddik College Of Engineering, as a project mentor allowed us to work upon project "Color enhancement of multimedia using spectrum analysis and wavelength adjustment for feature extraction" providing hands on experience upon softwares like Matlab and Python and hence providing solution by spectrum analysis, also allowing us an experience to go ahead with the process of design patent for the software developed